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Submitted/ ArXiv-ed:

  1. Non-uniform Mixing of Quantum Walks on the Symmetric Group
    A Banerjee [arXiv](2023)

  2. Oblivious Set-maxima for Intersection of Convex Polygons
    A Banerjee, D Richards [arXiv](2021)

  3. Online MinCut: Competitive and Regret Analysis
    A Banerjee, G Ding [arXiv](2020)


  1. Discrete Quantum Walks on the Symmetric Group
    A Banerjee
    Quantum Studies: Mathematics and Foundations, 1-14 [arXiv](2024)

  2. Noise-aware Token Swapping for Qubit Routing (QCE 2023)
    A Sharma, A Banerjee

  3. An adjacency labeling scheme based on a tree-decomposition
    A Banerjee [arXiv](IWOCA 2022)

  4. Locality-aware Qubit Routing for the Grid Architecture
    A Banerjee, X Liang, R Tohid [arXiv](IPDPS-QC3 2022)

  5. Distributed Matrix Tiling Using A Hypergraph Labeling Formulation
    A Banerjee, G Ding, M Reeser [arXiv](ICDCN 2022)

  6. New Results On Routing Via Matchings On Graphs
    Avah Banerjee, Dana Richards.
    21st International Symposium on Fundamentals of Computation Theory (FCT 2017) [arXiv]

  7. Sorting Networks On Restricted Topologies
    Avah Banerjee, Dana Richards, Igor Shinkar. (SOFSEM 2019) [arXiv]

  8. A Sorting Network On Trees
    Avah Banerjee, Dana Richards.
    Parallel Processing Letters (2019). [link]

  9. Sorting Under Forbidden Comparisons
    Avah Banerjee, Dana Richards.
    15th Scandinavian Symposium and Workshops on Algorithm Theory (SWAT 2016). [ arXiv]

  10. Computing Maximal Layers Of Points In Ef(n)
    Avah Banerjee, Dana Richards.
    Latin American Theoretical Informatics Symposium (LATIN 2016). [ arXiv]

  11. On Distribution Of Maximal Layers Of Random Orders
    Avah Banerjee, Dana Richards.
    Congressus Numerantium 225 (2015), 211-216.[link]

PhD Dissertation:

Problems On Sorting Sets and Graphs. [link]

MS Thesis:

On Maximal Layers Of Random Orders. [link]

Older Publications:

  1. Group Technology Based Adaptive Cell Formation Using Predator-Prey Genetic Algorithm.
    Avah Banerjee and Prasun Das.
    Applied Soft Computing 12.1 (2012): 559-572.

  2. An Hybrid Detection System Of Control Chart Patterns Using Cascaded SVM And Neural Network Based Detector.
    Avah Banerjee and Prasun Das.
    Neural Computing and Applications 20.2 (2011): 287-296.

  3. Evolutionary Multi-objective Bacterial Swarm Optimization (MOBSO): An Hybrid Approach.
    Avah Banerjee and Prasun Das.
    Simulated Evolution and Learning (SEAL 2010). Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2010. 568-572